
Fables and folktales are understood to possible be one of the oldest genres of oral and written cultural traditions, older than war-song or even religious hymn. They are allegorical stories, passed down from generation to generation. These stories usually focused on animals and persons to play out moral lessons which are intended for people to gain knowledge of human life within their specific culture. Both forms have played a key role in human development and how the genre has managed to maintain influence among an ever changing world has been highly debated. Through my research I will focus on answering questions regarding the patterns of this genre that are found in various cultures, how they are used to express value and beliefs, and how they are distributed.

Research Questions

  • What is a fable?  What is a folktale?
  • What's the purpose of these stories from a folklorist perspective?
  • What are the specific narrative and thematic patterns that occur in fables and folktales across cultures?
  • How are fables and folktales used by cultures to express values and beliefs, and how are they used to form and convey identity? 
  • How were these stories passed down from generation to generation? How are they distributed today?